Saturday, July 9, 2011

Is what I have considered anxiety even though I am not depressed?

Ever since I got pregnant with my first child I started needing things to be extremely organized. Now that I have two children, being organized is no longer enough; I need every single little microscopic detail of my life to be extremely organized otherwise I will not be able to concentrate on anything else. Everything needs to be in place, where it should be, when it comes to the house or my life in general. Since this is obviously impossible, random things that need to be done but can't are constantly running through my mind. If I need something done, I will go as far out of my way as possible to get that thing done, and it needs to be done asap otherwise I will go into a panic. It's ridiculous, and it's very time consuming and I always seem to end up spending quite a bit of money to get things the way I want them to. Everyone keeps telling me that it's just anxiety, but the thing is that I am not depressed; and when I told my dr. I had anxiety he wanted to put me on prozac. What is wrong with me? Is it anxiety?

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